Conquering Cravings
There you are, tapping away on your keyboard or walking down the street, when you suddenly feel a powerful urge to eat something fatty and sweet (or salty, or meaty or doughy). If you’re trying to...
View ArticleThe 7 Best (And 4 Worst) "Anger Questions" To Ask Yourself
Anger is a very difficult emotion. Women, in particular, may learn to fear our own anger, not only because it brings about the disapproval of others, but also because it signals the necessity for...
View ArticleWhat Would Buddha Do on Southwest Airlines?
A client of mine, Jen, recently took a flight from Florida to New York on Southwest Airlines for the first time. Those of you who have flown with Southwest know there is no assigned seating, but the...
View ArticleAre We Born Good (or Evil)?
Altruism, and in particular what we might term “extraordinary altruism,” has longed puzzled many fields of science, including biology, psychology, and economics. The central question being this: why...
View ArticleWisdom of the Aged
John Jurca is probably older than anyone you know. Next January, he’ll be 100. Born in Akron, Ohio in 1915 to Romanian parents, he started his career as a dishwasher while raising four kids with his...
View ArticleDying to Help: What Caregivers' Dilemmas Can Teach Us
Note: The co-author of this post is Marion Sills, MD, an emergency medicine provider in Colorado.While many among us are living gratifying lives and enjoying healthy relationships, all of us have been...
View ArticleManaging Everyday Stressors Is Key to Health and Longevity
One of the third grade girls doesn’t want to play with my daughter at recess. I’m not sure what to cook for dinner tonight – right now peanut butter sandwiches are a real possibility because it’s about...
View ArticleHow Smart Parents Teach Their Kids Unhealthy Eating Habits
In my last post I argued that it’s time to stop telling parents they need to know more about nutrition. Parents, I said, already know enough to feed their kids well, and to the extent that parents feed...
View ArticleDon’t Worry, Be Happy!
Happiness depends more on the inner disposition of mind than on outward circumstances"...
View ArticleIs a Little Jealousy Natural?
Recently, psychologist Dr. Christine Harris and her colleague, Caroline Prouvost, published the results of a study, confirming what many of us already suspected: dogs get jealous (see article here). By...
View ArticleWhy Is Physical Activity So Good for Your Brain?
Neuroscientists around the globe agree that physical activity is the best medicine to maintain brain health throughout your lifespan. Why is physical activity so good for your brain?There are many...
View ArticleDecay of a Flowering Brain: The Lesson of the Dandelion
A sea of late spring dandelions outside my barn is leaning toward Cape Cod Bay in a stiff wind, a wave of yellow. I am drawn to the cluster. The dandelion—a French derivative for “dent de lion,” the...
View ArticleHow to Make Frustration Work for You
Our frustrations are often blamed on modern society, but monkeys had the same frustrations 50 million years ago. They could climb a high tree for a juicy mango only to have it snatched from them by a...
View ArticleFive Secret Nonverbal Cues You Probably Don’t Know About
Body language, or nonverbal communication, is not a formal language like verbal communication. There are, however, subtle nonverbal cues that often occur out of awareness that can have a powerful...
View ArticleFive Reliable Ways to Wreck Your Marriage or Relationship
The self-help genre often offers up solutions without forcing us to reflect on what we’re actually doing and saying in our lives to cause our problems in the first place. So, in a contrarian mode, I’ve...
View ArticleHealing Caregiver Collapse
If you are a friend or relative of a loved one with mental illness, you too suffer the effects of the disorder. Burn out, compassion fatigue, hopelessness and feelings of powerlessness can go hand in...
View ArticleWhen Sex Addicts Reveal Everything to Spouses
There are several theories as to how and why sex addiction develops. Some say that early traumatic relationships in infancy or childhood create an intimacy disorder in the individual, which then...
View ArticleReflections on Residency
By Mary-Catherine McClainI can remember telling my ninth grade teacher that I wanted to become a psychologist. Today, I can truly say I did it. Graduating from Wofford College with a Bachelor's in...
View ArticleRead Lots of Parenting Books but Still Feeling Stuck?
As a psychologist and parent coach, I work with many parents who are feeling stuck. This feeling takes many forms: stuck in a cycle of yelling (often following by guilt), stuck in a dynamic of whining...
View ArticleThe Psychology of Gratitude
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. —GK Chesterton‘Gratitude’ derives from the Latin ‘gratia’, which, depending on the...
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