Dear Dr. G.,
I really need your help. I am a 22 year old boy in a deep depression. I have a rootless life with little passion and suicidal thoughts.
Actually I am not able to focus on anything very keenly especially when it comes to my studies.Whenever I start studying past bad images of my life starts to come in my life. This has been happening for the last 5 to 6 years. I had and now even have some very bad experiences that always tortures me and demoralizes me. One very bad experience of my life is that I have no girlfriend or no affair in my life even though I had to tried a lot to impress girls while I was in high school and college but every time i was unsuccessful. This really gives me a very sorrowful feeling. Please make suggestions and guide me.
Thank you Dr. G.
A Very Sad Young Man
Dear Sad Young Man,
I am very happy that you wrote to me. You make it very clear that you are feeling deeply depressed. I have to believe that you have some hope that life can get better and that is why you are reaching out to me. FANTASTIC. I have hope and I believe in change. I also believe that most individuals can find their way out of depression with the right treatment and support.
You describe having terrible thoughts that interfere with studying. It appears that you've been suffering with these thoughts for a number of years. I am not sure what you have experienced in your life but clearly you need to talk to somebody about what these thoughts and memories are so that they don't continue to interfere with your daily functioning. You also need to see a therapist immediately to get help with your depression. You may even need medication to help you out of the deep abyss of depression.
You have been trying unsuccessfully to find a girlfriend. While a girlfriend might make you feel more connected it is not the answer to curing your depression. When you are feeling less depressed and less pressure to find a girlfriend you will likely be more successful in this arena.
Please get a recommendation for a good therapist and make an appointment as soon as possible. Going to therapy is a sign of strength not weakness and my hope is that it will make you a stronger young man who is able to have a more joyous and fulfilling life. No one deserves to live with the deep pain of depression. Please get back to me.
Good luck.
Dr. G.
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