I suspect I can guess what many of you are thinking after reading the headline: “I strongly dislike doing these at the end of the year, so why would I ever want to do another one halfway through the year?” In fact, there are compelling management reasons to do a formal employee evaluation at this time of year. As mid-year approaches, here are five:
1. It forces you to give meaningful feedback. Providing honest feedback – positive and negative - is of course a critical element of effective management. While meaningful feedback is presumably ongoing, it can also be easy to gloss over or avoid certain issues; a formal mid-year evaluation increases the likelihood substantive issues are addressed in a timely manner.
2. It’s a clear check-in point to ensure your employees’ objectives are still on track. Often as a year progresses, important new projects are added, and ones that were important earlier may have diminished in value. Checking in this way at mid-year helps ensure employees’ time is being spent where it needs to be, and adjustments can be made if circumstances warrant.
3. It forces you to confront difficult issues you otherwise might ignore. This is the unpleasant cousin of point number 1. Let’s face it, many managers, being only human, prefer to avoid difficult confrontations if they can. A formal mid-year appraisal mechanism imposes a discipline on the process that makes conflict avoidance less likely.
4. It makes year-end evaluations a great deal easier. Trust me on this one. If done comprehensively and thoughtfully, a formal mid-year evaluation is an excellent blueprint for what will follow. Ideally, key strengths and weaknesses will have been aired and amply discussed, and late-year surprises will be minimal.
5. It can improve employee engagement (if done candidly, fairly and constructively). Employee evaluations don’t have to be an anxiety-laden experience. Fact is, people at all levels of an organization like to know how they’re doing. They want and need meaningful feedback. It can also give an employee time to course-correct, if needed, to improve performance by the year end.
I realize there are schools of thought that consider formal performance evaluations outdated and ineffective. Call me Old School (guilty as charged), but I’m not convinced, despite the imperfections of the tool, that there are better alternatives.
I’d be glad to hear from readers on this subject, as well as on creative (and effective) alternatives to such traditional employee evaluations…
This article first appeared at Forbes.com.
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