Drawing the line between aggressiveness and assertiveness has always been difficult to navigate when trying to achieve career advancement. When you feel you need to make a stand, you may second-guess yourself: “Will I step over the line? If I do nothing, will I lose ground?” You can walk the tightrope by increasing your people sensitivity.
Everyone admires assertive versus aggressive people — those who put forth their needs and views confidently and directly. They stand up for themselves without wielding a metaphorical weapon, and always consider the views of others.
Aggressive behaviors in the workplace can sometimes look like the age of the Neanderthal — the ones with the biggest clubs grab the grub, have the best caves and swagger around thumping their chest. These forceful bosses or employees dominate others, and can sap morale by grunting just a few words, e.g., “I want this now.” Ultimately the approach backfires.
There are exceptions to the rule, of course. An aggressive, Type A personality in sales may be helpful, although there’s a limit there, too. “I’m not leaving until you buy these genuine ‘dinosaur eggs!’” doesn’t play well even with today’s audience.
General Distinctions
If you constantly yield to the temptation of fighting fire with fire, you’ll likely fall into the aggressive abyss, and find it hard to regain solid ground. Making commands or having too high an expectation of others puts you squarely in the aggressive column.
If, on the other hand, you use poise - and rightly claim versus demand rights to something, you’re probably on the right track. A gentle, diplomatic nudge that allows others to make the first move, garners respect. This is a sign of being a good leader who is assertive, not aggressive.
Office Scenarios Play Out Differences
Aggressive managers say, in effect, “It’s my way or the highway and your opinion doesn’t count.” You can subconsciously hear them say, “Na, Na, na-na-na,” much like a defiant toddler.
Assertive managers ask. “Can you have this ready by Wednesday?” They’re friendly; make eye contact; are self-assured; listen to others; and check on the prevailing mood before speaking. They contain their reactions and until things simmer.
Also, assertive managers collaborate on a team vision. “We’ll solve that problem in a timely manner.” Confident bosses are aware of people sensitivities - and try to include everyone - while subtly taking the lead: “Why don’t we meet on that to see how we can pool our resources?” - versus, “I have experience with that, so I’ll just take the lead on that.” It’s an “us, not me” approach.
Watch Your People Radar
The core difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness is people awareness. Know your timing; judge the true reaction of those around you; and carefully consider the results of your prior patterns. If what you’re doing hasn’t met with success before, pause before you take out your club once again to make your point. In the workplace, it’s better to dole out information and your case as you gauge reaction - than it is to risk a crash and burn.
As with so many things, how you package your information can easily overshadow your content. It’s unfortunate in many cases because you may have worked on a project for months, but if you approach senior management with your staff like a stampede expecting to take no prisoners, you’ll likely be the one shot down.
When Is Your Confidence Level At Risk?
Then there’s the question of confidence. When do you begin to look timid by not pushing back? A good rule of thumb is to wait your turn, first give credit to your “challenger,” and then stick to the facts. Whether or not you’re in a public setting, office members want to be acknowledged for their intelligence and contributions.
Being defensive is the natural reaction when your ideas are rejected, but the opposite response is the only way to move forward. Agreeing with or at least acknowledging some of the points made by the “opposition," is critical to gaining consensus and moving forward. Ultimately, your ideas can be a win-win through compromise. These are the trademarks of the assertive versus the aggressive.
Be Persuasive Not Prehistoric
Work is not meant to be an all-out race for the kill – nor passive and non-participatory. By adopting a savvy, assertive work style versus an aggressive one, you can more deftly traverse the proverbial office jungle and attain your career goals.