Channel: Psychology Today
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Size Matters, Ladies


 A big penis is an attractive feature on an already attractive man. For less comely men, it won't make much of a difference, according to new research.

When you ask women what they prefer in a penis or ask them to rate pictures of men, research results have varied: women may like longer organs or wider ones or not care.

In the latest study, a team led from the Australian National University in Acton created 343 computer-generated male figures that varied in penis size, as well as in height and shoulder-to-hip ratio—traits associated with good looks. Then the team showed 105 women projected videos with life-sized versions of the figures. Each woman watched a random set of 53 figures and rated their attractiveness as potential sexual partners on a scale of 1 to 7.

The results? Bigger penises were rated higher until they reached 3 inches and then slowly began to get lower ratings.

But an increase in penis size helped boost ratings more--and a smaller penis hurt ratings less--if the figure was taller and fitter. And even the biggest penis in the world won't do much good for a guy that isn't otherwise attractive.

 Of course, a woman's preferences looking at videos projected on a wall aren't a sure indication of how she'll feel in real life.

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